Baby Mark was born 1st and he is also the smallest
Mark Alan Fletcher
Born: 1:47 PM
Weight: 3 lbs 7 oz
Becky was the biggest and is the middle child
Rebecca Fletcher
Born: 1:48 PM
Weight: 5 lbs 2.5 oz
Length: 16.7 inches
Jared is the youngest
Jared Alan Fletcher
Born: 1:50 PM
Weight: 4 lbs 15 oz
Length: 18.5 inches
All the babies did really well and Becky and Jared where off there CPAPS three days after they where born and Mark wasn't that far behind. Becky and Jared where moved to a different part of the NICU a couple of days after that and Mark was a day behind.
I am putting this next part in as a journaling thing for me and I am not trying to sound self centered or making this about me but I need to put it in so I don't forget.
I was trying to prepare myself for when Shelley had her babies. Knowing that they where going to be at least a month early and knowing that they where going to be tiny I was struggling with. I thought that if I would have been pregnant by the time she had them that would give me something else to focus on. I would still be happy for her but I would have my own self to focus on and that I would be excited about having a baby of my own in a few months. Well after I had my miscarriage in July that dream was gone. I was tying to figure out in my head how and if I was going to go to the NICU and see the babies and how I would react. I don't think it is how I would react to Shelley's babies but how I would react to see the one and two pound babies that would be around hers. For some reason this year has been harder for me and missing my baby girl. I wasn't sure if I could handle going in and seeing those tiny babies thinking the what if's that sneak into your mind after something has happens.
I guess it is a good thing that I got sick so I didn't have to worry about it . I wasn't even sure if I would get to see them while they where still in the hospital. The day after Christmas a was better and I knew that everyone from Flagstaff was going to go to the hospital that afternoon and it was going to be crazy so I was going to leave my kids with Blaine's parents and go over that morning. The nice thing is that Blaine said that he wanted to go with me so we headed over before parent time started so we could see the babies.
The babies all had there own room at the hospital Becky and Jared had adjoining rooms since they where moved at the same time. And then Mark was at the other side at the end of the hall.
Since I am use to having huge babies they really looked tiny. I was almost afraid that I was going to break them.
Blaine holding Jared
Jared in his cute little Christmas outfit
Now he was so tiny but he just snuggled right into you I even got to feed him. He had a time limit on his eating however if he didn't get his bottle down in an half hour they had to use the feeding tube because anything longer than a half hour he started to burn to many calories meaning that he would loose weight instead of gain.
I even made Blaine hold Mark just so he could see how much of a size difference there was between all of them
The good news is that Jared and Becky got to come home on the 28th and they are hoping that Mark is about a week behind them. He just needs to do better with his eating and get his feeding tube out then he can come home.
It was a really nice thing that Blaine and I where able to go and see them together because it got us talking about Emily. That is something that we don't do very often especially Blaine so it was nice that we where able to. It actually brought some more closure for me.
I am so glad you were able to talk to Blaine about Emily too. I didn't know you were wanting to be pregnant. It is such a hard place to be. Just thought I would let you know that I think about you and your sweet baby girl often, and I would love to hear more about her if you ever want to talk. (and I'll be crossing my fingers that pregnancy comes soon!)