Saturday, June 30, 2012

Swimming Lessons

With the start of June means the start of swimming lessons. This June was a little rough because on top of everything else Ryan had summer school. Because of the summer school that meant that we had to do swimming lessons in the afternoon. Holy Cow its hot! Cameron and Ryan had swimming lessons at 12:30 to 1:00. This was Cameron's 1st year and he had a rough time for the 1st week like most of the other kids. I have laughed for the past couple of years at the little ones at the other end of the pool screaming help mommy. This year it was my kid.

Cameron doing Chicken Star Rocket and then getting dunked. Lets just say he really didn't like the getting dunked part.

Even though that he hated going under water he did a really good job.

Cameron did so good with his floating. Everyday is a fun topic at swimming this day was duck day. Yes that is a real live duck on Ryan's head. I can't believe he let Merilee put it on his head. He thought it was funny and didn't freak out at all.
Merilee can pretty much talk this kid into anything.
Cameron floating around with his class. Then he put on a life jacket and just hung out in the middle of the pool for a while.
This is later in swimming lessons Cameron started to get brave. He jumped off the side of the pool swim to the teacher and then swim to the other side of the pool. He did good jumping to his teacher and starts to do good swimming to the other side but.....

Then he starts to sink and just keeps sinking. So his teacher has to keep him from drowning. Then a week later it was turtle day. Cameron thought that was great.

Cameron loved the slide. He did a lot better on it than his brother did his 1st time.
This was the last day of swimming and Cameron had gotten pretty good at swimming. He thought it was great to jump in and swim. He made it most of the way across the pool before she had to jump pin and save him.
Figure I should put some pictures of Ryry on here from swimming. He is getting a lot better this year. Still has to have Merilee under him when he does Chicken Star Rocket but he is doing really good when he was swimming.
Ryan jumping and swimming like such a great kid.

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