Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just some fun pictures

This is Ryan's new pride and joy. He LOVES stop signs. He got this wow wow wubzzy doll for Christmas that I new he wasn't going to like it gave him nightmares so we got the receipt from Gma M and went to Toys R Us to get something else. He found this stop sign and now it goes everywhere with us. He loves to ride his bike and pretend that he is at RR crossings and stop signs so this was a perfect $10.00 gift I think for his birthday we may go and get the other two or three that they have.
Cameron didn't like how loud Ryan's bike was so he kept yelling at him.
Going down the slide
My baby is getting so bigI can't believe that Ryan let me take this picture. I told him to slide down the slide and I that I would take a picture of him and Cameron and he agreed. That is a huge step for him.I love this picture of Blaine and his little mini me.See Ryan likes Cameron every once in a while.Cameron loves Ryan so much. He is starting to get a little mobile and Ryan is having a hard time with it because Cameron wants to play cars with his brother but Ryan doesn't share that wish. So I love little moments like this.This is Cameron and his cousin Luke they are 19 days apart even though Luke is younger he is crawling and almost walking. They for the most part get along as long as they both don't want the same toy. So we try and keep them on opposite sides of the blanket with toys to keep them happy. It doesn't work all the time.This is what a Sunday afternoon at the Matthews house looks like although they are both awake but the only reason for that is there was a Cardinals game on other wise they would both be sleeping. Like father like son right:)Cameron playing with his aunt Ellen

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