Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fun With Daddy

Still at the 4th of July breakfast the one that my husband didn't want to get out of bed to go to but did anyway cuz he's good like that. Charlie brought some footballs, volleyballs, and basketballs for people to play with. I was talking with someone and the next thing I saw my boys where playing basketball.

It was more like a game of keep away from the boys but they thought it was great chasing daddy around trying to get the ball away from him. Blaine trying to show the boys that he's still got it.
I did have to tell Blaine that he would have to eventually give his kids a turn. Ryan believe it or not is a pretty good shot. Every once in a while when I am driving by the school I will see him outside shooting hoops. He doesn't really get the game of basket ball but he can get the ball in the hoop so that is all that matters.(shhhh don't tell anyone but Ryan made more baskets today then his daddy)
Cameron wanted to get in the action and actually did pretty good. He tried to dribble but that didn't work as well as daddy did. Then he thinks he is going to get set up to shoot the ball. Notice like normal the shoes are gone. It doesn't matter what type of shoes this kids has he never wants to leave them on.
Cameron wanted Blaine and Ryan to make a big deal and try and block him from shooting the ball. Yep I think he is ready for basketball season to start again. Cameron will be the one out of our boys who will be the sports one I am pretty sure.

It was starting to get warm and Cam had been playing hard, Gracie passed out from all the fun and it was shortly after we went home.

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