Thursday, January 24, 2013

More January Fun

After Sonic we headed to Gma Birds to play for a little bit.

 Me and my baby girl. She has discover this play thing that we had for Ryan that we put in Gmas backyard the seatbelt is rotted out but its just her size so she thought that was pretty good.
I don't get it... my kids love to play in the rocks. They don't have to have shoes on they just walk around or in Gracies case crawl around they just think it is the best stuff ever.

He was trying to be nice to me one night after we got the boys to bed we went and used a gift card to Coldstone. Yes she LOVESSSSS CHOCOLATE. We can blame that on her Nana since the first time she had it was at her house in Colorado when Nana gave her chocolate ice cream at like 4 months.
Gracie and her blanket she has a thing where she has to sniff it while she is going to sleep.
Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

She came into my room very proud of herself that she had found a sucker that her brother left on the couch that she opened all by herself and then ate the entire thing.

Yep he has a super cute Pizza face

Zander and Gracie get a long most of the time. He for the most part is very patient with her and will try and let her play with him. Her brother on the other hand doesn't want to have a thing to do with her. If he is playing with something and she tries to come play with him it doesn't turn out well.

Love this picture of Cameron. I love his chubby little cheeks and that he is getting freckles on the bridge of his nose just like my brother Ryan had. So one day I was playing with Instagram and made the black and white one and I love it.

GRACEZILLA ATTACKS!!!! This would be why Cameron doesn't like to play with Gracie.
Notice how happy she is that she made her brother cry. Yes she is my little stinker.

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