Thursday, July 1, 2010

Camping May 2010

I know I should be backing and stuff but I am at my in laws doing laundry so I thought I would try and do some much needed updating. We usually go camping the weekend before Memorial Day so it isn't so crowded. This year was nice but SOOOOO WINDY! It was horribly windy so needless to say I didn't get a lot of fishing in. Papa had some leftover carpet and decided to carpet the trailer. It is great Cameron loved crawling around in the trailer.

Ryan's favorite place to be in the trailer. He has a pretty sweet set up with the bottom bunk and his DVD player.
This would be my little man pouting because he wants to go fishing and I told him he had to wait until after breakfast. I know I am such a mean mommy.
Cameron waiting in Papa's truck for some breakfast. All the kids love playing in Papa's truck.

For Ryan's birthday he got a big boy fishing pole for his birthday from his Papa Matthews. So we tied on his little plastic fish and let him practicing casting.

When we do go fishing we like to put the non walking kids into the back of trucks so we can keep track of them while we fish. Even though it was super windy we did make it down to Horseshoe lake to try it for a while. Unfortunately Blaine and I both had bumps but we got skunked this trip.He is being happy even though we are getting windblown. Nope no fish yet When all else fails and you don't catch fish then throw rocks. Could of been the reason why we weren't catching any fish.

After going fishing Cameron and I decided it was time to go back to camp and take a nap. It didn't take Cameron very long to crash. So I turned on a movie and didn't make it through the first 10 minuets.
Out like a light Cameron and Mommy just waking up from our nap. It's blurry cuz I took it with my phone. Cam showing off the twins. These froggies don't leave home without us. You can see the 3rd one in the background. This frog was originally Ryan's that Baba gave him but Ryan was never really into stuffed animals. Cameron on the other hand won't put it down. I looked for another one on ebay and bought one so I didn't just have one froggie. He loves his froggies.I love that Ryan plays with the same trucks that his daddy did when he was little. Wait can you see Ryan in his camping shirt?

1 comment:

  1. A move in this weather really must be the pits! I am so glad you posted camping pix, though, cause it looks sooo much cooler there. I love seeing your sweet family, and you, too!
