Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

I just wanted to say Happy Fathers day to the most amazing men in my life.
First My dad has been the most amazing example to me in my life. Things haven't always been easy and we have been though A Lot of trials that most people only have nightmares about but we have gotten though them and become closer because of them. I love you dad more than I can ever put into words. Thank you for all the support that you have given me throughout my life. Your grandsons adore you and can't wait to see you. You are the best and I don't know what I would do without you. I am so excited to see you in a couple of days.

Second my Gpa Bird. I have lived with my grandparents off and on my entire life. They have been such a HUGE support to me. No matter what I do they are always there. I remember Gpa trying to teach Ryan and I everything there was to learn on the farm. Ryan and my Gpa didn't get along all of the time they both have pretty hard heads and of course they are never wrong but Ryan loved his Gpa and his pleasantly plump belly. I am so happy that they moved back down here to the valley. I am super lucky that my kids have gotten to know him. They love going to Gpas house. Cameron loves playing with his wheelchair and taking Gpas shoes off. I am happy that I get to spend on day a week taking care of and spending time with him.
Third my Dad Grant. When I moved down to AZ when I was 15 it brought with it a lot of fun experiences. I started a new life and got to know my Grant family. They are just as much family as any other member of my blood related family. They took me under there wing and helped me do things that I never would have been able to do. Dad is the most amazing person ever he knows how to do everything. It's crazy he is one of those men who can have a Q-tip and duck tape in the middle of nowhere and build a shopping mall. I really think that he can do it. He can fix your house do anything with your computer and then after that make your veil for your wedding. He never gets mad and is always willing to bend over backwards to do anything for you. Thanks dad for always being there and adopting me of sorts into your family. You are a great example for my boys.
Forth my Father in Law. He is the best Papa he has taught my boys a love for the outdoors. It's good that he started with his own son and now between the two of them they have been showing the boys especially Ryan how fun it is to go camping and fishing. Ryan will now only ride in Papa's truck when we go camping. They love to go to Papa's shop and get drinks and eat lunch. Papa makes them feel like they are one of the boys. A few years ago Papa gave us a little bit of a heart attach by having his own heart attach but pulled though like superman. He is very supportive and is always there to help no matter if it is to come and unclog the potty at 11:30 at night when daddy was out of town. Papa came and saved the day. Thank you for raising such a wonderful amazing son and father for my kids. He takes a lot after you I am pretty sure.

And fifth I saved this one for last because he isn't my father but he is the most amazing father to our children. My husband is I can't even find the right words. He is patient, loving, fun and so other many things that I can't think of right now. Our boys adore there dad. Cameron is always looking for him. Ryan loves to hang out with him and learn and wants to do everything that his dad does. He has been placed with decisions that you wouldn't want your worst enemy to have to make when I was sick. I can't tell you how strong he was for me when I was so sick and we lost our little Emily. I know that she loves her daddy to. It is funny because she has her daddy's chin. Blaine has a cleft in his chin and Emily had the same thing. I am sure she would have been a little daddy's girl to. Thank you hon for being such a amazing father to our children I hope that you know how much they and I love you.


  1. What a sweet Fathers Day post. It is obvious that you have great men in your life! I love hearing you talk about Emily. I think people often forget that both of us have another child waiting for us in heaven, who is part of our family. I can't wait for the day when you & I can both see our husbands finally get to be dads to our angel babies!!!

  2. I love this. It is a super great tribute to the wonderful men in your life. We are blessed, aren't we?!
